How to Register
How to Register
To Register for one our competitions please follow these steps:
1. Select the event and click the "Register to Event" button.

2. Confirm your user information.
The "Weight with GI on" is where you will enter your athletes current weight with the GI on.

3. Registration Information. If you have a valid SaskBJJ membership continue registration. If not click the "SaskBJJ Membership" link and purchase your athlete's membership.

4. Terms of Service. Please read and Accept Terms of Service.
5. Select your entries. Remember if you would like your athlete to be in both GI and NoGI you must register for both.

The above image shows only "Boys NoGI" Registration. The "Boys GI" entry still needs to be completed.
You will not be charged for both entries as an automatic discount is applied.
What does the below section mean?
-- If there are not enough athletes in my weight class, I agree to
- Move up in age group or weight class
- Move up in weight class only
- Stay in my weight class
If you select "Stay in my weight class" you will not be moved to another weight class or age group if you are the only athlete in a division.

The above image shows the Discount and you will only be charge the registration amount.
6. Checkout: You are almost done. Please keep in mind that you do not require a Paypal account to pay for registrations.

When you click next you will go the the Paypal page where you are able to pay with credit card.